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What do I do?​ 

In my work and number of side projects, I write plenty of articles op-eds speeches creative content etc. I love articulating strong and meaningful messages in English Russian and Hebrew.
I'm also good at stand-ups anchoring and public speaking

Why do I do?​ 

Education and social activism are central to who I am. I'm committed to continually educating myself, researching, and deep-diving into various topics while passing my knowledge on to others.
I believe that raising historical literacy and civil awareness can ensure a more honest informed and mindful society.
This is where my passions for writing informing investigating and my deep commitment to contributing to Israeli society come together. My dream is that one day people will return to Israel not because they have no other choice, but because of the exceptional quality of life and all the compelling incentives to do so.
True, there is a very long road ahead to achieve this, and I believe it can only be fulfilled by staying true to the facts, honest journalism and in-depth information.
Recently, my wife and I launched a journalistic media project BaselTelAviv to explain complex issues of Israeli society to a Russian-speaking audience.